About Me

Hi there! My name is Stelios Klapsis, and I'm excited to become a programmer in the games industry. Even though I'm close to finishing Game Programming at SLC, my passion for the industry started long before. It took me a while to find the field that sparked my interest. I explored different areas ranging from Physics to Philosophy, and although I found each one enjoyable, I couldn't commit to one.

Later on, I discovered programming and game development and was instantly hooked. At first, I didn't think I could pursue it formally, given my lack of background and prerequisites, but I didn't let that stop me from learning and improving my skills. I purchased two fantastic courses on Udemy - Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D and Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D - and immersed myself in them. Years later, I had the chance to formalize my education by enrolling in SLC's Game Programming course, where I learned so much about programming languages, game engines, and libraries.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much there is to master, but that doesn't scare me - I see it as an exciting challenge. My perspective on programming and game development has evolved, and I now view it as an art form just as much as a science. Every game and program is unique and beautiful in its way. Programming has so much depth, and the challenge of problem-solving motivates me to improve every day.

I'm not sure where my path will take me, where I'll end up working, or even what I'll be working on. But one thing is for sure: I'll be programming!